trillion dollar question
Trillion-dollar question

Buki Mosaku shows you how to get it right.

In I Don’t Understand, he charts a bold new path with a proven approach to solving the global career-stifling and profit-draining problem of unconscious bias in the workplace.

$0 Trillion

What gender-based discrimination costs social institutions globally

$0 Trillion

What unconscious bias cost the US economy over the last two decades

$0 Trillion

What racial and ethnic inequality has cost the US economy since 1990

“Thought-provoking, simple, easy to remember, and yet so powerful.”

Adam Thomas, Head of Data, SKY Media

Is your organization unconsciously using ineffective and costly strategies to address workplace bias and under-representation of diverse groups? Take the assessment and find out.

The Truth About Workplace Bias

Why is it so hard to tackle career-stifling unconscious bias and related under-representation in the workplace?

Because we try to eradicate it, rather than navigate it.

See for yourself.

About Buki

Buki Mosaku, is internationally-recognized as 'The Bias Navigation Expert' and author of "I Don't Understand"- Navigating Unconscious Bias in the Workplace. In this capacity he has coached tens of thousands of global clients' staff including 'C' suite executives, people-managers and their teams in hundreds of leading corporations across the globe.

The founder of London-based DiverseCity Think Tank, a consortium of workplace bias experts and diversity, equity and inclusion consultants, Buki has developed a first-of-its-kind approach to navigating the difficult and often charged issues surrounding career-stifling workplace bias. A popular speaker and consultant to major corporations, Buki works with executive teams to reveal the shortcomings and resulting damage of their conventional approaches to tackling underrepresentation. He helps clients take actions that organically fast track proportional representation of minorities/marginalised groups in senior and high profile roles, leading to a more productive, profitable, and compelling workplace.

“Brilliantly and boldly, Buki Mosaku presents solutions for the everyday. No great campaign, no board-down policies that melt away by Friday, but in-the-moment actions to maintain collegiate relationships and promote strong connection.”

—Kate Howlett, Executive Coach

Buki's Clients Include

About I Don’t Understand

I Don’t Understand is a first-of-its-kind practical guide to navigating career-stifling, profit-draining unconscious bias in the workplace. Think of it as your GPS system for zeroing in on the core problems that must be solved to put underrepresentation of diverse groups in your rear-view mirror. The book presents a refreshing new approach that will help your organization avoid detours that lead to frustration, loss of morale, and significant tolls on your organization’s bottom line. I Don’t Understand? reveals a new paradigm for dealing with career-stifling bias-related issues, as well as proven, practical tools.

A New Approach

Buki’s “I Don’t Understand (IDU)” Methodology is a ground-breaking “triple win” approach: a win for an organization’s people, its management, and its stakeholders. IDU reframes the traditional concepts of victims and perpetrators and is applicable to everyone—not just the traditional targets of career-stifling workplace bias, but also those, including leaders, who feel their own actions and responses can be misinterpreted as biased. It empowers the "victim," whoever they may be, to gain the skills and confidence to respond quickly and effectively.

Praise for Buki

After reading the book, I am confident that this book will rise to the hands of not only the corporate world but also the academic and training associations... Either organizations climb aboard or be left behind

Dr. Michael Provitera, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, and Author of Level Up Leadership: Six Factor Leadership

I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone seeking to achieve long-term sustainable success in addressing bias in the workplace…

—Caren Thomas, Human Resources Director-Chartered Insurance Institute

This is great! The guilty perpetrator versus hapless victim is an appropriate approach to an age-old issue that continues to inhibit performances at various strata of society. You have painstakingly shifted focus from the perpetrator or victims...guiding them to turn otherwise destructive situations by responding with openness, without being judgmental or emotional.

Funmi Alakija, PhD

I must say my colleagues are still positively referencing your session Buki… People on both sides of the Atlantic found it a very invigorating discussion.

—Julian Lyne, Chief Commercial Officer, BNY Mellon, Newton Investment

Wow Buki you really do talk so much sense, I could listen to you all day… You should be a mandatory part of any firm’s training program.

—Tracey Robb, Founder Trivium London Consultants-HR Advice to the Alternative Asset Management Sector

This is excellent! What I like is that it gives a clear blueprint on what to do and how to fix things.

—Amina Appiah-Lewis, Director of Alpha One Marketing

Media Features

Let's Stop... It's Time to Think Differently

Work with Buki

Buki offers one-on-one consulting for executives as well as small- and large-group IDU (“I Don’t Understand”) workshops. He tailors his consulting to the unique culture and environment of each client. His training includes a practical tool kit for navigating all forms of workplace bias—race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, and more.


Buki is also a highly sought-after keynote speaker whose topics include:

  • Navigating workplace bias
  • Navigating gender bias in the workplace
  • Universal mistakes organisations make in tackling workplace bias
  • Bias navigation for leaders
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion, what you need to know...

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