I Don’t Understand

Navigating Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

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Published by: Business Expert Press
Release Date: September 7, 2023
ISBN13: 978-1637424872



What if you could call out career-stifling unconscious bias in the moment and recondition the perpetrator without being seen as
• hostile,
• a non-team player,
• bigoted,
• having a chip on your shoulder, or
• projecting your own bias?

How can you call out unconscious bias that comes from your boss, staff, or colleagues without losing your composure—while helping the other person understand and change their behavior? How do you even know whether what you sense is real or a reflection of your own bias?

This book will equip you to put career-stifling and conflict-generating bias behind you by learning:
• how to think,
• what to say,
• when to say it, and the
• way to say it.

Leading workplace bias expert Buki Mosaku discards accepted wisdom in unconscious bias training and shows how one-way street strategies for tackling unconscious bias are creating a Diversity and EXCLUSION nightmare in the corporate world! He offers a proven, practical toolkit for navigating all forms of workplace bias—whether related to race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, etc.—through his groundbreaking IDU? Methodology. Its tools empower and equip minorities, marginalized groups, and the majority to effortlessly navigate bias whenever they sense it, without inciting unwanted results. This methodology is applicable not just to the traditional targets of workplace bias but also to those, including leaders, who feel their own actions may be misinterpreted as biased.

Discover the only practical guide to navigating unconscious bias in the workplace that empowers the victim, whoever they may be, to respond quickly and effectively—once and for all removing the associated costs of disengagement, underrepresentation, lawsuits, attrition, and reputational damage.



“Buki Mosaku's powerful new book shares unparalleled insight into navigating unconscious workplace bias and provides practical solutions for every manager, decision-maker, and employee. I Don’t Understand is the definitive guide to calling out unconscious bias in the workplace.”
The European

“After reading the book, I am confident that this book will rise to the hands of not only the corporate world but also the academic and training associations... Either organizations climb aboard or be left behind.”
Dr. Michael Provitera, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, author of Level Up Leadership: Six Factor Leadership

“I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone seeking to achieve long-term, sustainable success in addressing bias in the workplace. Your model makes traditional unconscious bias development or training events seem ‘tired’ while highlighting their failure to achieve real change. Occurrences of bias are often extremely subtle, so empowering the victim in the moment as you detail so well is essential.”
Caren Thomas, human resources director, Chartered Insurance Institute

“I first encountered Buki Mosaku and his work a couple of years ago prompting me to read I Don’t Understand: Navigating Unconscious Bias in the Workplace. Thought provoking and powerful – “I don’t understand…?” so simple, easy to remember and yet so powerful. 1st class advice and thoughts. Thank you for sharing”
Adam Thomas, Head of Data, SKY Media

“Be in no doubt, unconscious bias is complex and distressing. It cripples mindset growth in a society that has more threatening things to worry about. Buki presents brilliantly and boldly presented solutions for the everyday. No great campaign, no board-down policies that melt away by Friday, but in-the-moment actions to maintain collegiate relationships and promote strength of connection. Oh, and by the way—all delivered by Buki with pragmatism, energy and fun.”
Kate Howlett, Executive Coach

“It’s fascinating what you do...I’ve learnt a bit more...You’ve done a fine job, so I’m grateful.”
Nick Ferrari, LBC and SKY Presenter

“This eye-opening analysis on tackling career-stifling unconscious bias is the must-read for every HR professional.”
HR Grapevine

“I must say my colleagues are still positively referencing your session Buki… People on both sides of the Atlantic found it a very invigorating discussion”
Julian Lyne, Chief Commercial Officer, BNY Mellon, Newton Investment

“I have just listened to Buki’s summary – THE TRUTH ABOUT WORKPLACE BIAS – covering directional bias, reverse bias and defensive fragility and it’s powerful stuff. Worth a listen and consideration, as the industry looks to embrace D&I.”
David Sparkes, Head of Compliance and Training, The British Insurance Brokers’ Association

“This is great! The guilty perpetrator versus hapless victim is an appropriate approach to an age old issue that continues to inhibit performances at various strata of the society. It is very easy for the victim to slip into the other shoes unconsciously as you have noted and which, is often the case… You have painstakingly and through analysing responses, shifted focus from the perpetrator or the victims… guiding them to turn otherwise destructive situations to capital by responding with openness without being judgemental or emotional…”
Funmi Alakija, PhD

“… I particularly liked the focus on bringing both sides together to be able to move forward, rather than entrenching existing views through a victim / perpetrator mindset.”
Matthew Byrne Head of Actuarial Function, NFU Mutual

“Wow Buki you really do talk so much sense, I could listen to you all day. We need to have a better understanding of reverse bias and work together. You should be a mandatory part of any firm’s training program.”
Tracey Robb, Founder Trivium London Consultants, HR Advice to the Alternative Asset Management Sector

“Very insightful and love that you are offering ways for individuals to deal with this. Bravo!”
Peter Dediare, Angel Investor, Marco Polo

“To anyone seeing this for the first time, I cannot recommend highly enough that you invite Buki to come and talk to you and your colleagues. Eye-opening, thought-provoking and actually reassuring too.”
Aon Reinsurance Solutions, Joel Pergande

“Buki Mosaku is the world's foremost expert on navigating unconscious workplace bias...His book promises to make true understanding a priority in the modern workplace.”
The London Economic

“If there was ever a time we needed this book, it is now. Highly recommended.”
Business Matters